Android 8.0 Oreo features

What Android 8.0 Oreo brings to your smartphone

Google’s latest update to its Android operating system (OS) is the Android 8.0 Oreo and it is currently only available for selected smartphones. However, Google is rolling it out to other smartphones very fast, so it might be available on all Android smartphones very soon.

Here some of the remarkable features you will get on Android 8.0 Oreo

1. Notification channel

On Android 8.0 Oreo, you are in complete control of how you receive notification from apps on your phone. Each app has a notification channel setting that allows you choose the way the app will alert you. You can choose to receive app notification as sound or pop-up on screen.

2. Picture-in-picture

It is now possible to chat a friend or do other tasks on your smartphone while watching a video or having a video call. The new picture-in-picture feature makes this possible. Just tap the home button while watching your video or receiving a video call and this feature will be activated.

3. WiFi improvement

You can turn off your WiFi to save battery when you are on the road. Android Oreo will automatically turn on your WiFi as soon as it detects you are back in your house. It will reconnect to your home internet network to help you save your mobile data.

4. Notification dots

When you have a notification on any app, a small dot appears on the app icon. This can be a good way to keep up with notifications but it can be irritating too. But do not worry, you can turn it off in the settings.

5. Better storage management

Whenever you run low on storage space, you can go to the settings and select the ‘Free Up Space’ function. You will be prompted to delete stuffs in the downloads folder or uninstall apps that you do not use.

6. Password autofill

You will have the freedom to worry less about forgetting passwords. The Android 8.0 Oreo will offer to fill login forms with information stored in your Google account or on third party password apps that have integrated the feature.

7. Updates on low space

Even when your smartphone storage space is low or out, Android O updates will continue to install. The update requires only 100kb of free space which is very little.

If you get a prompt to install the Android 8.0 OS, you might want to download it and try out these features.

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